About Course
JavaScript is a dynamically typed language which means that variables can hold values of any type and their types can change during run time
Views: 63
What Will You Learn?
- Introduction to JavaScript
- JavaScript Types
- JavaScript Variables
- JavaScript Values
- JavaScript Objects
- JavaScript Functions
- JavaScript Operators
- JavaScript Expressions
- JavaScript Statements
- JavaScript Scopes
- JavaScript Looping Statement
- JavaScript Conditional Statement
Course Content
JavaScript Types
JavaScript types are categorized as Primitive and Reference
JavaScript Types – Primitive
JavaScript Types – Reference
JavaScript Variables
Variables are building blocks of any programming language and variable is something that can change its value. Variables are containers that can hold value.
Variable Declaration
Static and Dynamic Types
JavaScript Value
It is simply record in the memory and each record has specific type and all value types in JavaScript are divided into two groups
Primitive Values
Non-Primitive Values (reference)
JavaScript Objects
Object is a collection of keys – value pairs
Introduction to Java Objects
Creating Objects
Accessing Object Properties
Bracket notation
Modifying Object Properties
Adding new Properties
Removing Object Properties
Reading the property that does not exist
Object Methods and Iteration
Nested Objects
Global Objects
JavaScript Functions
A function contains blocks of code that need to be executed repeatedly or based on certain events.
Why do we need Function?
Function Definition
Function Invocation
Function Expression
Arrow Functions
Function Declaration vs. Function Expression
Function Declaration
Function Expression
Callback Function
JavaScript Operators
Operators in JavaScript is simply a build in function.
Arithmetic Operators
Assignment Operators
Comparison Operators (Relational Operators)
Logical Operators
Ternary Operators
Bitwise Operators
Unary Operators
JavaScript Expressions and Statements
In JavaScript expressions and statements are two fundamental building blocks used to construct programs.
JavaScript Scopes
A scope in JavaScript determines the accessibility and visibility of variables and functions throughout the code
Global Scope
Local Scope
Nested Scope
Block Scope
JavaScript Looping and Conditional Statement
Loop Statement is a control flow statement that allows to execute a block of code repeatedly for a specific number of times and Conditional Statement allow to execute different blocks of code based on specified conditions
Looping For
Looping While
Looping Do… While
Conditional If
Conditional If…else
Conditional If.. else if…else
Conditional Switch… case..
Conditional Break
Conditional Continue
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