Programming with Python

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Packages are a way of structuring many packages and modules which helps in a well – organized hierarchy of data set, making the directories and modules easy to access.

Creating a package

To make a directory as package, create a file name inside it. The file can be left blank or can be coded with the initialization code for the package.

In general steps to create a package are,

  • Create a directory (folder) and give it a package name
  • Then put the classes and required functions in it
  • Create an file inside the directory


Using keyword import

To import a module name mod1 then, use the syntax as

import MyPackage1.p1.mod1

If the module mod1 contains the function add( ), to access the function use the syntax as


Using the key word from… import

Importing the module without the package prefix as

from MyPackage1.p1 import mod1

Now the function, add( ) in mod1 can be accessed as

mod1.add( )

Importing just the required function (or class or variable) from module present in a package


from MyPackage1.p1.mod1 import add

Now the function, add( ) in mod1 can be accessed as

add( )

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