Programming with JavaScript
- Introduction to JavaScript
- JavaScript Types
- JavaScript Variables
- JavaScript Value
- JavaScript Objects
- JavaScript Functions
- JavaScript Operators
- JavaScript Expressions and Statements
- JavaScript Scopes
- JavaScript Looping and Conditional Statement
- Example Programs
- Variables
- Fahrenheit - Celcius
- Area of Circle
- Area of Rectangle
- Area of Triangle
- Store by Objects
- Object Properties
- Examples on Employee Object
- Greatest of Two Numbers
- Year is leap or not
- Find Negative Positive and Zero
- Number is even or not
- Number is positive or negative
- Find Armstrong number
- Date Time Function
- Calculator using if else
- Calculator Using Switch Case
- Palindrome Number
- Sum of First Even Numbers
- Swap two numbers
- Prime number or not
- Sample Do While
- Sample on for loop
- Find Prime Numbers
- Find Max Min
- Add and Subtract Numbers
- Checker to validate password
- Advance Javascript Modules
- Variables Lifecycles
- ES6 Arrow Functions
- Array Helper Methods
- Template Literals
- Rest/Spread Operators and Default Function Parameters
- Enhanced Object Literals
- Aray and Object Destructuring
- Practice Programs
- Convert temperatures to and from Celsius - Fahrenheit.
- Find given year is a leap year in the Gregorian Calendar
- Display square and cube of a number from 1 to 10 in Web
- Number is prime or not in alert box
- Basic Calculator operations using switch..case
- Sum of elements in array using function
- Fibonacci series via Recursive Function
- JavaScript to work with object
- Calculator using Arrow functions
- Array helper methods in array of objects
- Enhanced Object Literal for Online Store
- ES6 class, prototypes and function constructor
Data Structure
Programming with Python
- Introduction to Python
- Values and Types
- Identifiers
- Numeric Data Type
- Sequence Data Type
- Dictionary Data Type
- Boolean Data Type
- Set Data Type
- Input and Output
- Variables, Expression and Statements
- Tuple Assignment
- Operators and Types of Operators
- Arithmetic Operators
- Comparison (Relational) Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Logical Operators
- Identity Operators
- Membership Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Precedence of Operators
- Operators Quiz
- Comments
- Modules
- Function
- Built-in Function
- User Defined function
- Function Prototypes
- Anonymous Function
- Parameter Passing
- Parameters and Arguments
- Illustrative Problems - Var, Exp
- Control Flow, Functions
- Conditional Statements
- Iteration
- Loop Control Statements
- Fruitful Function
- Strings
- String Functions and Methods
- List As Arrays
- Illustrative Problems - Control Flow, Func
- List, Tuples and Dictionaries
- Lists
- List Operations
- List Slices
- List Methods
- List Loops
- Mutability
- Aliasing
- Cloning
- List Parameters
- Tuples
- Tuples are Immutable
- Tuple Assignment
- Tuple as return value
- Variable Length Argument Tuples
- Tuple Operations
- Tuple Methods
- List Vs Tuple Vs Dictionary
- Dictionaries
- Advanced List Processing
- Illustrative Problems - List,Tuples, Dict
- Selection Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Merge Sort
- Histogram
- Additional Programs
- Files, Modules and Packages
- Files
- File Operations
- Opening a file
- Access Modes
- Reading files
- Writing files
- Closing files
- File Object attributes
- File Position
- Format operator
- Command line arguments
- Errors
- Handling Exceptions
- Exceptions
- Modules
- Packages
- Illustrative Programs - Files, Modules, Package
- Additional Programs - Files, Module, Package
Programming with C
- Basics of C Programming
- Introduction to Programming paradigms
- Monolithic Programming
- Procedural Programming
- Structured Programming
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Structure of C Program
- Data Types
- Storage Classes
- Auto Storage Class
- Register Storage Class
- Static Storage Class
- Extern Storage Class
- Typedef Storage Class
- Constants
- Literal Constants
- Qualified constants
- Symbolic Constants
- Enumeration Constants
- Keywords
- Expressions
- Assignment operators
- Miscellaneous operators
- Precedence and Associativity
- Arithmetic operators
- Relational operators
- Logical operators
- Bitwise operators
- Input/Output statements
- Format Specifers
- Identifier
- Variable
- Statement
- Decision making statements
- if statement
- if-else statement
- Nested if statement
- Nested if-else statement
- if… else if… else
- Switch Statement
- Looping statements
- for loop
- While loop
- do while loop
- Jump statements
- goto statement
- break statement
- continue statement
- Pre-processor directives
- Macro replacement directive
- Null directive
- Source file inclusion directive
- Line directive
- Error directive
- Pragma directive
- Conditional Compilation directive
- Compilation process
- Arrays and Strings
- Introduction to Arrays
- Searching
- Sorting
- Declaration of two-dimensional array
- Strings
- String Length
- String Copy
- String Concatenation
- String Compare
- String Reverse
- String Upper
- String Lower
- String Substring
- String Arrays
- Additional Program Arrays
- Functions and Pointers
- Function
- Built-in functions
- String Compare without case
- Set n Chars
- String Substring
- Scan String
- Compare n Chars
- Copy n Chars
- Concate n Chars
- Example Program Functions
- Computation of sine series
- Building Scientific Calculator
- Recursion
- Finding Factorial using Recursion
- Finding Fibonacci series using Recursion
- Binary Search using Recursive Functions
- Pointers
- Pointer Arithmetic
- Pointer Addition
- Pointer Subtraction
- Pointer Increment
- Pointer Decrement
- Pointer Comparison
- Illegal Pointer Operations
- Arrays and Pointers
- Array of pointers
- Parameter Passing
- Additional Programs Func Pointers
- Structures
- What is Structure
- Nested Structures
- Pointers and Structures
- Array of Structures
- Example Program using Structures and Pointers
- Self-referential Structures
- Dynamic Memory Allocation
- Singly Linked List
- Implementation of Singly Linked List
- typedef
- File Processing
- Files
- File Processing Operations
- File Open
- File Close
- End of File
- Read one character from file
- Write one character to file
- Write line to file
- Get string from a file
- Output to file stream
- Read set of chars from file
- Write data to file
- Read data from file
- File Access
- Creating a random-access file sequentially
- Writing the random-access file
- Reading data from random access file
- Transaction Processing System
- Command line arguments
Advanced Python
- Introduction to Advanced Python
- Python Distributions
- Data Sciences and Tools
- Jupyter Notebook
- Spyder
- Data Preparation
- Data Quality
- Feature Selection
- Dimensionality Reduction
- Data Cleaning
- Data Normalization
- Data Standardization
- Python Data Analysis
- Data Visualization
- Data Visualization with matplotlib
- Other Visualization Plot
- Data Visualization with Seaborn
- Built-in Data Visualization
- Plotly and Cufflink
- Regression and Prediction
- Tensor Flow and Data Capstone
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