Numpy Operations

Arithmetic functions
Arithmetic operators on arrays apply elementwise. A new array is created and filled with the result

Broadcasting Rules
Two arrays are compatible for broadcasting if for each trailing dimension ( that is starting from the end), the axis lengths match or if either of the lengths is 1. Broadcasting is then performed over the missing and / or length 1 dimensions

a1 = [[0. 1. 2.][3. 4. 5.][6. 7. 8.]]
a2 = [10 10 10]
c1 = np.add(a1,a2) #a1 + a2
print("Result of Add ition=",c1)
Result of Addition = [[10. 11. 12.][13. 14. 15.][16. 17. 18.]]
a1 = [[0. 1. 2.][3. 4. 5.][6. 7. 8.]]
a2 = [10 10 10]
c2 = np.subtract(a1,a2) #a1 - a2
print("Result of subtraction=",c2)
Result of Subtraction= [[-10. -9. -8.][-7. -6. -5.][-4. -3. -2.]]
a1 = [[0. 1. 2.][3. 4. 5.][6. 7. 8.]]
a2 = [10 10 10]
c3 = np.multiply(a1,a2) #a1 - a2
print("Result of multiplication=",c3)
Result of Multiplication = [[0. 10. 20.][30. 40. 50.][60. 70. 80.]]
a1 = [[0. 1. 2.][3. 4. 5.][6. 7. 8.]]
a2 = [10 10 10]
c4 = np.divide(a1,a2) #a1 - a2
print("Result of division=",c4)
Result of Division= [[0. 0.1 0.2][0.3 0.4 0.5][0.6 0.7 0.8]]
Reciprocal: calculates : 1/x
note: np.reciprocal is not working for integers
a3 = np.array([4,0.25,0.01,-0.25, 0])
a4 = np.reciprocal(a3)
print("Result of reciprocal=",a4)
a5 = np.array([100])
print("Reciprocal of integer = ",np.reciprocal(a5))
Elements in the first input array is base and returns it raised to the power of the corresponding element in the second input array
base = np.array( [10,20,30] )
print("Calculating power(array, scalar)= ",np.power(base,2))
root = np.array( [2,3,4] )
print("Calculating power(array, array)= ",np.power(base,root))
Calculating power(array, scalar) = [100 400 900]
Calculating power(array, array) = [ 100 8000 810000]
Returns the remainder of division of the corresponding elements in the input array
numpy.mod() is similar to numpy.remainder( )
dividend = np.array( [100.0, 40, 33] )
divisor = np.array ([2,3,6])
print("Calculating mod using mod() = ", np.mod(dividend, divisor))
print("Calculating mod using remainder() = ", np.remainder(dividend, divisor))
Calculating mod using mod() = [0. 1. 3.]
Calculating mod using remainder() = [0. 1. 3.]
Function for working on complex numbers,
numpy.real() – returns the real part of the complex data type argument
numpy.image() – returns the imaginary part of the complex data type argument
numpy.cong() – returns the complex conjugate, which is obtained by changing the sign of the imaginary part
numpy.angle() – returns the angle of the complex argument. The function has degree parameter. If true the angle in the degree is returned. Otherwise, the angle in radians
numpy.angle : works as if z = x+iy; then it computes taninverse of (y/x) in radians as well as in angle
c1 = np.array( [-4.3j,1+1.2j, 10, -10-10j] )
print("Real numbers in c1", np.real(c1))
print("Imaginary numbers in c1", np.imag(c1))
print("Conjugate in c1", np.conj(c1))
print("Angle in radians:", np.angle (c1))
print("Angle in degrees:",np.angle(c1,deg=True))
Real numbers in c1 [ -0. 1. 10. -10.]
Imaginary numbers in c1 [ -4.3 1.2 0. -10. ]
Conjugate in c1 [ -0. +4.3j 1. -1.2j 10. -0.j -10.+10.j ]
Angle in radians: [-1.57079633 0.87605805 0. -2.35619449]
Angle in degrees: [ -90. 50.19442891 0. -135. ]
<ipython-input-2-b0fbbecd7093>:33: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in reciprocal
a4 = np.reciprocal(a3)
Statistical Functions

np.amin() : determines the minimum value of the element along a specified axis
np.amax() : determines the maximum value of the element along a specified axis
np.mean( ): determines the mean value of the data set
np.median( ): determines the median value of the data set
np.std( ): determines the standard deviation
np.var : determines the variance
np.ptp( ): returns a range of values along an axis
np.average(): determines the weighted average
np.percentile(): determines the nth percentile of data along the specified axis
sf = np.array( [[4,5,1],[10,0,20],[2,4,3]])
print("The array",sf)
The array [[ 4 5 1]
[10 0 20]
[ 2 4 3]]
Return the minimum element of an array or minimum element along the axis
a: indicates input data in the form of an array
axis: optional parameter indicating the acis or axes along which to operate
- The minimum value of any given array
- If the axis is none, the result will be a scalar value
- If the axis is given, the result is an array of dimension a.ndim-1
When axis value is not passed to min() function, then it returns the minimum element present in the array

Min value in each column when axis = 0

Min value in each row when axis = 1

Finding Minimum
print("The minimum element in array:", np.amin(sf))
print("The minimum element in array along axis 0:", np.amin(sf, axis=0))
print("The minimum element in array along axis 1:", np.amin(sf, axis=1))
The minimum element in array: 0
The minimum element in array along axis 0: [2 0 1]
The minimum element in array along axis 1: [1 0 2]
To get a maximum value along the a specified axis
a: parameter refers to the array on which you want to apply np.max() function
axis parameter is optional and helps us to specify the axis on which we want to find the maximum values
When axis value is not passed to max() function, then it returns the maximum element present in the array-

Max value in each column when axis = 0

Max value in each row when axis = 1

Finding Maximum
#Finding Maximum
print("The maximum element in array:", np.amax(sf))
print("The maximum element in array along axis 0:",np.amax(sf, axis=0))
print("The maximum element in array along axis 1:",np.amax(sf,axis= 1))
The maximum element in array: 20
The maximum element in array along axis 0: [10 5 20]
The maximum element in array along axis 1: [ 5 20 4]
- Statistic measure for summarizing data is the average or mean
- Mean is caculated by summing all the values and divided by the count of values
Example: [0,1,1,2,9]
Mean = [0+1+1+2+9] /5 = 2.6
Sensitive to outliers
- 9 is very larger than other numbers and thus pull the mean higher
a: an array
axis: parameter is optional and is used to specify the axis along which to compute mean
When no axis is passed, then arithmetic mean is computed for entire array
When no value for axis is specified

axis = 0 is passed to mean

axis = 1 is passed to mean

print("Mean of array:",np.mean(sf))
print("Mean of array along axis 0:",np.mean(sf,axis = 0))
print("Mean of array along axis 1:",np.mean(sf,axis = 1))
Mean of array: 5.444444444444445
Mean of array along axis 0: [5.33333333 3. 8. ]
Mean of array along axis 1: [ 3.33333333 10. 3. ]
- When there are outliers in the data, median can be used
- Median – measure of central tendency
- Robust to outliers
Median represents 50th percentile of the data
- i.e. 50% of the values are greater than the median
- 50% of the values are less than the median
- ODD numbers: (n+1)/2
- Even number: average of values present in index – (n/2) and (n/2) +1

print("Median of array:",np.median(sf))
print("Median of array along axis 0:",np.median(sf,axis=0))
print("Median of array along axis 1:",np.median(sf,axis=1))
print("Median of array:",np.median(sf))
print("Median of array along axis 0:",np.median(sf,axis=0))
print("Median of array along axis 1:",np.median(sf,axis=1))
- numpy.ptp stands for peak to peak
- Use to return a range of values along an axis
- Range is calculated as maximum value – minimum value
numpy.ptp( a, axis = none)
a – input to indicate array
axis – used to indicate the axis along in which to compute range. Default: input array is flattened by taking all the numbers; axis = 0 means along the column; and axis = 1 means working along the row
- A scalar value ( if axis is none) else return an range of values
- When the data is having outliers, range is rendered useless.
- Range does not tell how the data is dispersed; rather it tells how dispersed entire dataset is

print("range = ", np.ptp(sf))
print("range along (axis = 0) is= ", np.ptp(sf,axis=0))
print("range along (axis = 1) is= ", np.ptp(sf,axis=1))
range = 20
range along (axis = 0) is= [ 8 5 19]
range along (axis = 1) is= [ 4 20 2]
Describes, how far apart observations are spread out from their average value
a: represents input array
axis: represents the axis along which we want to compute standard deviation
- axis = 0 // along the column
- axis = 1 // along the row
print("variance of array:",np.var(sf))
print("variance of array along axis 0:",np.var(sf,axis=0))
print("variance of array along axis 1:",np.var(sf,axis=1))
variance of array: 33.80246913580247
variance of array along axis 0: [11.55555556 4.66666667 72.66666667]
variance of array along axis 1: [ 2.88888889 66.66666667 0.66666667]

Standard deviation – square root of the variance
Standard deviation inference
Small standard deviation means that values are close to the mean Large standard deviation means that values are dispersed more widely
a: represents input array
axis: represents the axis along which we want to compute standard deviation
- axis = 0 // along the column
- axis = 1 // along the row
print("SD of array:",np.std(sf))
print("SD of array along axis 0:",np.std(sf,axis=0))
print("SD of array along axis 1:",np.std(sf,axis=1))
SD of array: 5.813989089756057
SD of array along axis 0: [3.39934634 2.1602469 8.52447457]
SD of array along axis 1: [1.69967317 8.16496581 0.81649658]

Percentile and quartiles are both quantiles: values that divide data into equal groups each containing the same percentage of the total data. Percentiles gives this in 100 parts.
- The q-th percentile gives a value below which q percentage of the values fall.
- For example, the 10th percentile gives a value below which 10% of the values fall.
numpy.percentile(a, q, axis=None, interpolation=None)
- a: array
- q: quantile
- axis: along the column, axis = 0; along the row axis = 1
- interpolation
interpolation : {‘linear’, ‘lower’, ‘higher’, ‘midpoint’, ‘nearest’}
This optional parameter specifies the interpolation method to use, when the desired quantile lies between two data points i and j:
- linear: i + (j – i) * fraction, where fraction is the fractional part of the index surrounded by i and j.
- lower: i.
- higher: j.
- nearest: i or j whichever is nearest.
- midpoint: (i + j) / 2.
If q = 50, then the function is same as median
If q = 0, then the function is same as minimum
If q = 100, then the function is same as maximum
aw = np.array([2710,2755,2850,2880,2880,2890,2920,2940,2950,3050,3130,3325])
calculate r = q * (n / 100)
r = 85*(12/100) = 10.2
highest - next index of 10.2 i.e element at index 11
lowest - integer index less than 10.2 i.e. element at index 10
linear - (i+(j-i)*fraction) = 3050 +(3130-3050)*0.2= 3066
nearest - the nearest index for 10.2 is 10. so element at index 10
midpoint - (i+j)/2 = (3050 + 3130)/2 = 3090
aw = np.array([2710,2755,2850,2880,2880,2890,2920,2940,2950,3050,3130,3325])
print("interpolation = higher",np.percentile(aw,85,interpolation='higher'))
print("interpolation = lower",np.percentile(aw,85,interpolation='lower'))
print("interpolation = linear",np.percentile(aw,100,interpolation='linear'))
print("interpolation = nearest",np.percentile(aw,85,interpolation='nearest'))
print("interpolation = midpoint",np.percentile(aw,85,interpolation='midpoint'))
interpolation = higher 3130
interpolation = lower 3050
interpolation = linear 3325.0
interpolation = nearest 3050
interpolation = midpoint 3090.0
Bitwise Operators

Bitwise And Operator
Performs bitwise AND on two array elements
Sets each bit to 1 if both bits are 1
ba = 10
bb = 15
print("binary of",ba,":",bin(ba))
print("binary of",bb,":",bin(bb))
result = np.bitwise_and(ba,bb)
print("Result of bitwise_and=",result)
binary of 10 : 0b1010
binary of 15 : 0b1111
Result of bitwise_and= 10
Performs bitwise or on two array elements
Sets each bit to 1 if one of two bits is 1
ba = 10
bb = 15
print("binary of",ba,":",bin(ba))
print("binary of",bb,":",bin(bb))
result1 = np.bitwise_or(ba,bb)
print("Result of bitwise_or=",result1)
binary of 10 : 0b1010
binary of 15 : 0b1111
Result of bitwise_or= 15
np.bitwise_and and np.bitwise_or

Invert all the bits

result2 = np.invert(ba)
bitwise_invert( 10 )= -11
Performs bitwise XOR on two array elements
Sets each bit to 1 if only one of two bits is 1

result3 = np.bitwise_xor(ba,bb)
bitwise_xor( 10 15 )= 5
- Left shift operator shifts binary representation of array elements towards the left
- Takes two parameters: array, number of positions to shift
- The array shift towards left by appending zeros to its right

result4 = np.left_shift(ba,2)
left_shift( 10 2 )= 40
- Right shift operator shifts binary representation of array elements towards theright
- Takes two parameters: array, number of positions to shift
- The array shift towards right by appending zeros to its left

result5 = np.right_shift(ba,2)
right_shift( 10 2 )= 2
Copying and Viewing Array
When operating and manipulating arrays, their data is sometimes copies into a new array and sometimes not
There are three cases,
- No Copy at All
- View or Shallow Copy
- Deep Copy
No Copy at All
- Simple assignments make no copy of array objects or of their data
- The assignment operator does not create a copy of array. It actually accesses the original array through its id()
#No Copy at All
#Declare an array
arr1 = np.arange(10)
print("array =",arr1)
print("ID of arr1=",id(arr1))
#assign arr2
arr2 = arr1
print("arr2 has:",arr2)
print("ID of arr2=",id(arr2))
#change value of arr1[0]
arr1[0]= 100
print("After changing: arr1 =",arr1)
print("After changing: arr2 =",arr2)
arr2[3] =150
print("Now changing: arr1 =",arr1)
print("Now changing: arr2 =",arr2)
array = [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
ID of arr1= 2327220408368
arr2 has: [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
ID of arr2= 2327220408368
After changing: arr1 = [100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
After changing: arr2 = [100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
Now changing: arr1 = [100 1 2 150 4 5 6 7 8 9]
Now changing: arr2 = [100 1 2 150 4 5 6 7 8 9]
#No Copy at all
arr3 = np.arange(12)
arr4 = arr3 # no new object is created
print("arr4 is arr3",arr4 is arr3)
print("shape of arr3:",arr3.shape)
print("shape of arr4:",arr4.shape)
print("Before,arr 3=",arr3)
print("Before,arr 4=",arr4)
arr4.shape = (4,3)
print("Now,shape of arr3:",arr3.shape)
print("Now,shape of arr4:",arr4.shape)
print("After,arr 3=",arr3)
print("After,arr 4=",arr4)
arr4 is arr3 True
shape of arr3: (12,)
shape of arr4: (12,)
Before,arr 3= [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11]
Before,arr 4= [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11]
Now,shape of arr3: (4, 3)
Now,shape of arr4: (4, 3)
After,arr 3= [[ 0 1 2]
[ 3 4 5]
[ 6 7 8]
[ 9 10 11]]
After,arr 4= [[ 0 1 2]
[ 3 4 5]
[ 6 7 8]
[ 9 10 11]]
Python passes mutable objects as references. so function call does not make copy
def fun(x):
print("Inside function",id(x))
arr5 = np.arange(5)
print("Outside function:",id(arr5))
Outside function: 2327220551808
Inside function 2327220551808
View or shallow copy
- It returns a view of the original array stored at the existing location
- The view does not have its own data or memory but uses the original array
- The modification reflect in both
- The view function is called as shallow copy
arr6 = np.arange(12)
arr7 = arr6.view()
print("arr7 is arr6=",arr7 is arr6)
print("arr6 is base for arr7=",arr7.base is arr6)
print("whetehr arr7 owns data=",arr7.flags.owndata)
#change the shape of arr7
print("shape of arr6=",arr6.shape) #arr6 shape does not change
#change the value
arr7[1,2] = 100 # also changes value in arr6
arr7 is arr6= False
arr6 is base for arr7= True
whetehr arr7 owns data= False
shape of arr6= (12,)
arr6= [ 0 1 2 3 4 100 6 7 8 9 10 11]
id(arr6) 2327220357440
id(arr7) 2327220356160
Owndata – the array owns the memory it uses or borrows it from another object
#slicing an array returns a view of it
arr8 = np.arange(12).reshape(3,4)
print("arr8 =",arr8)
arr9 = arr8[:,1:3]
arr9[:] = 10 #If any changes made in view, changes data in original array also
print("Changes in view, changes original array,arr8=",arr8)
arr8[0,2] = 10000 #if any changes made in original array, changes view also
print("Changes in original array,changes view",arr9)
arr8 = [[ 0 1 2 3]
[ 4 5 6 7]
[ 8 9 10 11]]
arr9= [[ 1 2]
[ 5 6]
[ 9 10]]
Changes in view, changes original array,arr8= [[ 0 10 10 3]
[ 4 10 10 7]
[ 8 10 10 11]]
Changes in original array,changes view [[ 10 10000]
[ 10 10]
[ 10 10]]
Deep Copy
- The copy method makes a complete copy of the array and its data
- It returns a copy of the original array stored at a new location
- The copy does not share data or memory with the original array
- The modifications are not reflected.
arr10 = np.arange(10)
arr11 = arr10.copy()
print("arr11 is arr10 =",arr11 is arr10)
print("whether arr10 is base for arr11=",arr11.base is arr10)
#change the value in copied array
arr11[0] = 10000 #does not change in original array
print("Original array",arr10)
arr11 is arr10 = False
whether arr10 is base for arr11= False
Original array [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
arr12 = np.arange(20).reshape(5,4)
arr13 = arr12[:,:2].copy()
arr12= [[ 0 1 2 3]
[ 4 5 6 7]
[ 8 9 10 11]
[12 13 14 15]
[16 17 18 19]]
arr13= [[ 0 1]
[ 4 5]
[ 8 9]
[12 13]
[16 17]]
id(arr12)= 2327220782064
id(arr13)= 2327220781104
Stacking and Joining
- Stacking is the concept of joining arrays in Numpy
- Arrays having same dimensions can be stacked
- The stacking is done along a new axis
Stacking can be done along three dimensions,
- vstack()
- – it performs vertical stacking along the rows
- – Extends vertically
- hstack()
- – it performs horizontal stacking along with the columns
- – Extends horizontally
dstack() – it performs in-depth stacking along a new third axis
Stack – Join arrays with given axis element by element
Numpy stack function takes two input parameters – the arrays for stacking and the axis for the resultant array
- Both input arrays should be in same dimension / shape
- Axis parameter in stack works as dimension here instead of horizontal / vertical manner
- If axis is 0, then it will join by first dimension
- If axis is 1, then it will join by second dimension

hstack – stacks horizontally
- This function does not work with axis.
- It extends first array by second array horizontally
- As it extends horizontally, both the arrays should have same number of rows

hstack for 2D array
#hstack for 2D array
sarr5 = np.array( [ [10,20],[30,40] ])
sarr6 = np.array( [ [50,60],[70,80] ])
[[10 20 50 60]
[30 40 70 80]]
hstack for 1 D array
#hstack for 1 D array
sarr7 = np.array([10,20,30,40])
sarr8 = np.array([90,87,10,40])
[90 87 10 40 10 20 30 40]
vstack – stacks vertically
- This function does not work with axis.
- It extends first array by second array vertically

vstack for 1d array
# vstack for 1d array
sarr9 = np.array([3,2,4,1,10])
sarr10 = np.array([100,200,50,300,400])
[[ 3 2 4 1 10]
[100 200 50 300 400]]
vstack for 2d array
#vstack for 2d array
sarr11 = np.array([ [2,4,6],[3,6,9]])
sarr12 = np.array( [[4,8,12],[5,15,20]])
result_vstack= [[ 2 4 6]
[ 3 6 9]
[ 4 8 12]
[ 5 15 20]]
When to use hstack and vstack

numpy.vstack: stack arrays in sequence vertically (row wise).
- Equivalent to np.concatenate(a,axis=0)
numpy.hstack: stack arrays in sequence horizontally (column wise).
- Equivalent to np.concatenate(a,axis=1)
numpy.concatenate((a1, a2, ...), axis=0
- a1,a2,..: sequence of array
- axis : int, optional; (default is 0)
sarr15 = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
sarr16 = np.array([[5, 6]])
print("axis=0",np.concatenate((sarr15, sarr16), axis=0)) #increase number of rows
print("axis = 1",np.concatenate((sarr15, sarr16.T), axis=1)) #increase number of columns
print("No axis",np.concatenate((sarr15, sarr16), axis=None))
axis=0 [[1 2]
[3 4]
[5 6]]
axis = 1 [[1 2 5]
[3 4 6]]
No axis [1 2 3 4 5 6]
- Append is used for appending the values at the end of the array
- Whereas concatenate is used for joining the sequence of array along an existing axis
- Append function all the inputs must be same dimension
numpy.append(arr, values, axis=None)
arr : values are appended to the end of the array
values: these values are appended to copy of arr
axis: int , optional
- Axis along which values are appended . If axis is not given, both arr and values are flattened before use
Returns: append: a copy of arr with values appended to axis
sarr13 = np.array([1,2,3])
sarr14 = np.array([[4,5,6],[7,8,9]])
print("appended array",np.append(sarr13,sarr14))
appended array [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]

sarr13 = np.array([[1,2,3],[10,20,30]])
sarr14 = np.array([[4,5,6],[7,8,9]])
print("appended array",np.append(sarr13,sarr14,axis=0)) # increase number of rows
print("appended array",np.append(sarr13,sarr14,axis=1)) # increase number of columns
appended array [[ 1 2 3]
[10 20 30]
[ 4 5 6]
[ 7 8 9]]
appended array [[ 1 2 3 4 5 6]
[10 20 30 7 8 9]]
Matrix in numpy
Matrix is a subclass within ndarray class in the Numpy python library.
numpy.matrix(data, dtype, copy)
Data: Data should be in the form of an array-like an object or a string separated by commas
Dtype: Data type of the returned matrix
Matrix Operations

numpy.clip(a, a_min, a_max, out=None)
- Clip (limit) the values in an array
- Given an interval, values outside the interval are clipped to the interval edges
For example, if an interval of [0,1] is specified, values smaller than 0 become 0 and values larger than 1 become 1
- a: array conaining elements to clip
- a_min, a_max: Minimum and maximum value
- out: result will be placed in this array
ma9 = np.matrix('10,20,30,40,50,5')
print("The clipped array:\n",np.clip(ma9,4,20))
The clipped array:
[[10 20 20 20 20 5]]

numpy.diagonal(a, offset=0)
A: 2D array
offset: represents position
sa1 = 4*np.arange(12).reshape(4,3)
print("Main diagonal: \n",np.diagonal(sa1))
print("Diagonal at offset = 1: \n",np.diagonal(sa1,offset = 1))
print("Diagonal at offset = -1: \n",np.diagonal(sa1,offset = -1))
[[ 0 4 8]
[12 16 20]
[24 28 32]
[36 40 44]]
Main diagonal:
[ 0 16 32]
Diagonal at offset = 1:
[ 4 20]
Diagonal at offset = -1:
[12 28 44]
Matrix Operations
Matrix multiplications
- multiply( ): element – wise matrix multiplication
- matmul( ): matrix product of two arrays
- dot(): dot product o two arrays
Matrix Multiplication
Matrix product of two given arrays
np.matmul(array a, array b)
Input to this function cannot be scalar

#matmul() - Matrix multiplication
ma = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
mb = np.array([[10,20,30],[40,50,60],[70,80,90]])
print("Matrix A: \n",ma)
print("Matrix B: \n",mb)
mc = np.matmul(ma,mb)
print("Result :\n",mc)
Matrix A:
[[1 2 3]
[4 5 6]]
Matrix B:
[[10 20 30]
[40 50 60]
[70 80 90]]
Result :
[[300 360 420]
[660 810 960]]
Element wise product of two given arrays
np.multiply(array a, array b)

#multiply() - Element wise multiplication
ma1 = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]) # number of columns must be equal
mb1 = np.array([[10,20,30],[40,50,60]])
print("Matrix A: \n",ma1)
print("Matrix B: \n",mb1)
mc1 = np.multiply(ma1,mb1)
print("Result :\n",mc1)
Matrix A:
[[1 2 3]
[4 5 6]]
Matrix B:
[[10 20 30]
[40 50 60]]
Result :
[[ 10 40 90]
[160 250 360]]
- The dot product of any two given matrices is basically their matrix product
- The only difference in dot product, we can have scalar values

#dot() - Matrix multiplication
ma2 = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
mb2 = np.array([[10,20,30],[40,50,60],[70,80,90]])
print("Matrix A: \n",ma2)
print("Matrix B: \n",mb2)
mc2 =,mb2)
print("Result :\n",mc2)
Matrix A:
[[1 2 3]
[4 5 6]]
Matrix B:
[[10 20 30]
[40 50 60]
[70 80 90]]
Result :
[[300 360 420]
[660 810 960]]
#dot() - Matrix multiplication
ma3 = np.array([1,2,3])
mb3 = np.array([10,20,30])
print("Matrix A: \n",ma3)
print("Matrix B: \n",mb3)
mc3 =,mb3)
print("Result :\n",mc3)
Matrix A:
[1 2 3]
Matrix B:
[10 20 30]
Result :
#dot() - Matrix multiplication
ma4 = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
print("Matrix A: \n",ma4)
mc4 =,ma4)
print("Result :\n",mc4)
Matrix A:
[[1 2 3]
[4 5 6]]
Result :
[[ 2 4 6]
[ 8 10 12]]
Linear Algebra operations
dot( ) – calculate dot product of two arrays
vdot() – calculate do product of two vectors
inner() – calculate inner product of arrays
outer() – computes the outer product of two arrays
det() – calculate determinant of matrix
solve() – solve linear matrix equation
inv() – calculate multiplicative inverse of the matrix
trace() – sum of diagonal elements
urank() – returns the rank of the matrix
Returns the dot product of vectors a and b
va = np.array([[1,2,3],[10,20,30]])
vb = np.array([[2,4,6],[4,3,2]])
result_dot = np.vdot(va,vb)
[[ 1 2 3]
[10 20 30]]
[[2 4 6]
[4 3 2]]
Result= 188

Computes the inner product of two arrays
np.inner(a, b) = sum(a[:] * b[:])
va1 = np.array([[10,20],[1,4]])
va2 = np.array([[1,2],[2,5]])
result_inner= np.inner(va1,va2)
print("result =",result_inner)
[[10 20]
[ 1 4]]
[[1 2]
[2 5]]
result = [[ 50 120]
[ 9 22]]

numpy.outer(a, b)
a,b: input array
va1 = np.array([[10,20],[1,4]])
va2 = np.array([[1,2],[2,5]])
result_outer= np.outer(va1,va2)
print("result =",result_outer)
[[10 20]
[ 1 4]]
[[1 2]
[2 5]]
result = [[ 10 20 20 50]
[ 20 40 40 100]
[ 1 2 2 5]
[ 4 8 8 20]]

#detfrom numpy import linalg
va3 = np.array([[1,2],[4,5]])
print("Determinant of matrix=",np.linalg.det(va3))
Determinant of matrix= -2.9999999999999996

linalg.solve(a, b)
- a: coefficient values
- b: dependent matrix
#solve the linear equation 3x+2y = 3; 2x+3y = 7
va4 = np.array([[3,2],[2,3]])
va5 = np.array([3,7])
[-1. 3.]
Raises a square matrix integer to the power n
linalg.matrix_power(a, n)
- a: array
- n: integer
va7 = np.array([[1,2],[4,6]])
[[ 9 14]
[28 44]]


#Trace of a
va6 = np.array([[2,4,3],[1,3,-1],[8,-9,-10]])

Mathematical Operations
Trignometric functions
np.sin() – performs trigonometric sine calculation element wise
np.cos() – performs trigonometric cosine calculation element wise
np.tan() – performs trigonometric tangent calculation element wise
np.arcsin() – performs trigonometric inverse sine element-wise
np.arccos() – performs trigonometric inverse of cosine element-wise
np.arctan() – performs trigonometric inverse of tangent element-wise
Hyperbolic functions

01. Returns the hyperbolic sine of the array elements
02. Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the array elements
03. Returns the hyperbolic sine of the array elements
04. Returns the hyperbolic inverse sine of the array elements
05. Returns the hyperbolic inverse cosine of the array elements
06. Returns the hyperbolic inverse tan of the array elements
Rounding Functions
#Rounding Functions
ra = np.array([20.39999,45.4321,1.32456])
[20.4 45.43 1.32]

Used to round off a decimal number to desired number of positions
Takes two parameters: the input number and precision of decimal places
[20. 45. 1.]
- Returns the floor value of the input decimal value
- Returns the largest integer number less than the input value
[21. 46. 2.]
- Returns the ceil value of the input decimal value
- Returns the smallest integer number greater than the input value
Numpy Exponential and logarithmic functions
- Calculates exponential of the input array elements
- Calculates the natural log of the input array elements Natural logarithm of a value is the inverse of its exponential value
Numpy complex functions
- Returns the output of a test for real numbers
arrc = np.array([1,2,3])
arrc1 = np.array([1+2j])
[ True True True]
- Useful for calculation of conjugate of complex numbers
arrc2 =np.array([1+2j,2,3])
[1.-2.j 2.-0.j 3.-0.j]
Searching, Sorting and Counting
- To find the place of a element or value in the array
- Depending on the element being found or not found, a search is said to be successful or unsuccessful

np.argmax( )
Returns the indices of the max element of array in a particular axis
np.argmax(array, axis)
ea = np.array([[5,2,10],[4,3,1],[19,0,8]])
print("the index for maximum element in array is:",np.argmax(ea))
print("the index for maximum element in array along axis = 0 is:",np.argmax(ea,axis=0))#along column
print("the index for maximum element in array along axis = 1 is:",np.argmax(ea,axis=1))#along row
the index for maximum element in array is: 6
[[ 5 2 10]
[ 4 3 1]
[19 0 8]]
the index for maximum element in array along axis = 0 is: [2 1 0]
the index for maximum element in array along axis = 1 is: [2 0 0]
Function that will return indices of the max element of array in a specified axis while ignoring NaNs
np.nanargmax(array, axis)
ea1 = np.array([[np.nan,40,10],[10,np.nan,1]])
print("the index for maximum element in array is:",np.nanargmax(ea1))
print("the index for maximum element in array along axis = 0 is:",np.nanargmax(ea1,axis=0))#along column
print("the index for maximum element in array along axis = 1 is:",np.nanargmax(ea1,axis=1))#along row
[[nan 40. 10.]
[10. nan 1.]]
the index for maximum element in array is: 1
the index for maximum element in array along axis = 0 is: [1 0 0]
the index for maximum element in array along axis = 1 is: [1 0]
Returns the index of the minimum value in array list
ea2 = np.array([[5,2,10],[4,3,1],[19,0,8]])
print("the index for minimum element in array is:",np.argmin(ea2))
print("the index for minimum element in array along axis = 0 is:",np.argmin(ea2,axis=0))#along column
print("the index for minimum element in array along axis = 1 is:",np.argmin(ea2,axis=1))#along row
the index for minimum element in array is: 7
[[ 5 2 10]
[ 4 3 1]
[19 0 8]]
the index for minimum element in array along axis = 0 is: [1 2 1]
the index for minimum element in array along axis = 1 is: [1 2 1]
Function that will return indices of the min element of array in a specified axis while ignoring NaNs
np.nanargmin(array, axis)
ea3 = np.array([[np.nan,40,10],[10,np.nan,1]])
print("the index for minimum element in array is:",np.nanargmin(ea1))
print("the index for minimum element in array along axis = 0 is:",np.nanargmin(ea1,axis=0))#along column
print("the index for minimum element in array along axis = 1 is:",np.nanargmin(ea1,axis=1))#along row
[[nan 40. 10.]
[10. nan 1.]]
the index for minimum element in array is: 5
the index for minimum element in array along axis = 0 is: [1 0 1]
the index for minimum element in array along axis = 1 is: [2 2]
Returns elements of input array if they satisfied some condition
Condition: condition on the basis of which user extracts elements
Returns: array elements that satisfy the condition
ea4 = np.arange(4,64,4).reshape(5,3)
#selecting the array elements that are divided by 5
condition1 = np.mod(ea4,5) == 0
ea5 = np.extract(condition1,ea4)
print("Extracted array:",ea5)
#selecting the array elements that are less than user specified value
condition2 = np.logical_and(ea4 > 3, ea4 < 10)
ea6 = np.extract(condition2,ea4)
print("Extracted array:",ea6)
Array: [[ 4 8 12]
[16 20 24]
[28 32 36]
[40 44 48]
[52 56 60]]
condition= [[False False False]
[False True False]
[False False False]
[ True False False]
[False False True]]
Extracted array: [20 40 60]
condition= [[ True True False]
[False False False]
[False False False]
[False False False]
[False False False]]
Extracted array: [4 8]
Returns the indices of the non zero elements in the array
x = np.array([[3, 0, 0], [0, 4, 0], [5, 6, 0]])
print("in 2 d array the elements at",np.nonzero(x)) # returns the row number of non zero element as an array and column number as separate array
# to view the elements
print("non zero elements are:\n",x[np.nonzero(x)])
# to view the index
print("In 2 array the non zero elements are at the index:",np.transpose(np.nonzero(x)))
x1 = np.array([2,3,4,0,10,0])
print("in 1 d array:",np.nonzero(x1)) # returns the index of non zero element
in 2 d array the elements at (array([0, 1, 2, 2], dtype=int64), array([0, 1, 0, 1], dtype=int64))
non zero elements are:
[3 4 5 6]
In 2 array the non zero elements are at the index: [[0 0]
[1 1]
[2 0]
[2 1]]
in 1 d array: (array([0, 1, 2, 4], dtype=int64),)
np.where(condition, [x,y])
Two parameters x and y; If conditions holds true for some element in the array, the new array will choose elements from x.
Otherwise if it is false, elements from y will be taken
X and y are optional. But if you specify x, you must also specify y.
#extract only positive elements
r = int(input("enter the number of rows"))
c = int(input("enter the number of columns"))
arc = []
for i in range(r):
rrr = []
for j in range(c):
arra = np.array(arc) # creating array from user input
print("Here is the array:\n",arra)
#Get only positive values
ar_pos = np.where(arra>0, arra,0)
enter the number of rows3
enter the number of columns3
Here is the array:
[[-2 -2 -1]
[ 3 4 0]
[ 1 1 -1]]
[[0 0 0]
[3 4 0]
[1 1 0]]
Return the indices on satisfying condition
#find the index where the codition is true
arg1 = ([2,4,6],[8,10,12],[14,16,18])
[[0 1]
[1 0]
[1 2]
[2 1]]
Used to compute indices that are non-zero in the flattened version of arr
arr: input array
Output: ndarray ; containing the indices of the elements
arg1 = ([-2,-4,0],[0,10,12],[14,16,18])
[0 1 4 5 6 7 8]
Returns an array in sorted format
numpy.sort(a, axis=- 1, kind=None)
a: array to be sorted
axis: int or none, optional
axis along which to sort. If none the array is flattened before sorting. The default is -1, which sorts along the last axis
kind: {‘quicksort’, ‘mergesort’, ’heapsort’, ‘stable’}
arg1 = ([-2,-4,0],[-36,100,12],[140,16,18])
print(np.sort(arg1)) # sorts the element in each row separately
print("When axis = 0: \n",np.sort(arg1,axis = 0))
print("When axis = 1: \n",np.sort(arg1,axis = 1))# sorts the element in each row separately
print("When axis = none: \n",np.sort(arg1,axis = None))
print("When axis = -1 : \n",np.sort(arg1,axis = -1))
[[ -4 -2 0]
[-36 12 100]
[ 16 18 140]]
When axis = 0:
[[-36 -4 0]
[ -2 16 12]
[140 100 18]]
When axis = 1:
[[ -4 -2 0]
[-36 12 100]
[ 16 18 140]]
When axis = none:
[-36 -4 -2 0 12 16 18 100 140]
When axis = -1 :
[[ -4 -2 0]
[-36 12 100]
[ 16 18 140]]
Counting functions
Returns an array with the number of non-overlapping occurences (unique) of a given substring in the range [start,end]
a: input array or an input string
sub: parameter indicating the substring to search from the input string to the input array
Start,end: optional parameters, both start and end are used to set the boundary within which the substring is to be searched Returns: an integer array with the number of non overlapping occurences of the substring
cou = np.array(['qwertyqwertyqwyerta','afehhghogrta','ababababacta'])
print("The occurence of q is", np.char.count(cou,"q"))
print("the occurence of ta is",np.char.count(cou,'ta'))
print("the occurence of ta is",np.char.count(cou,'ta',17,19))# stop is exclusive

Count number of times a particular value present in the array:
#counting the values
cou1 = np.array([20,13,2,4,5,1,4,3,4])
sear = int(input("Enter the input:"))
count = (cou1==sear).sum()
print("Number of times:",count)
Enter the input:4
Number of times: 3
String Functions

np.char.lower() – converts all the uppercase characters in the string to lower case
np.char.upper() – converts all the lowercase characters in the string to lower case
np.char.split() –Breaks the string
np.char.join() – joins the array by a particular separator
np.char.strip() – strip off all leading and trailing whitespaces from a string
np.char.capitalize() – Capitalize the first character of the string
np.char.title( ) – capitalize the first character
str1= np.array(['apple','guava','banana'," Mango yummy"])
print("Title case:\n",np.char.title(str1))
['apple' 'guava' 'banana' ' mango yummy']
[list(['apple']) list(['guava']) list(['banana']) list(['Mango', 'yummy'])]
['a-p-p-l-e' 'g-u-a-v-a' 'b-a-n-a-n-a' ' - - - -M-a-n-g-o- -y-u-m-m-y']
['apple' 'guava' 'banana' 'Mango yummy']
['Apple' 'Guava' 'Banana' ' mango yummy']
Title case:
['Apple' 'Guava' 'Banana' ' Mango Yummy']

np.char.count() – returns the count of the passed substring from the entire string
np.char.find() – returns the lowest index of the substring if present in the input string
np.char.rfind() – returns the highest index of the substring if present in the input string
np.char.isnumeric() – used to detect numeric values. Returns True if all the string characters are numeric
np.char.isalpha() – used to detect alphabets. Returns true if all the string characters are alphabets
np.char.isdecimal() – used to detect decimal values. Returns true if all the string characters are decimal numbers
np.char.isdigit() – used to detect digits. Returns true if all the string characters are digits
np.char.islower() – used to find the lower case values. Reurns true if all the string characters are lowercase
np.char.isupper() – used to find the upper case values. Reurns true if all the string characters are uppercase
np.char.isspace() – returns true if all the characters of the string are white spaces otherwise returns false
np.char.istitle() – returns true only if the string is title cased
str1= np.array(['apple','guava','banana'," Mango yummy"])
print("count of an : \n",np.char.count(str1,"an"))
print("To find lower index of occurence of a:\n",np.char.find(str1,"a"))
print("to find higher index of occurence of a: \n",np.char.rfind(str1,"a"))
print("is numberic:\n",np.char.isnumeric(str1))
print("is alphabets:\n",np.char.isalpha(str1))
str2 = np.array([1.2,2,3,'abc'])
print("is decimal:\n",np.char.isdecimal(str2))
print("is digit:\n",np.char.isdigit(str2))
print("is lower:\n",np.char.islower(str1))
print("is upper:\n",np.char.isupper(str1))
print("is space:\n",np.char.isspace(str1))
print("is title:\n",np.char.istitle(str1))
count of an :
[0 0 2 1]
To find lower index of occurence of a:
[0 2 1 5]
to find higher index of occurence of a:
[0 4 5 5]
is numberic:
[False False False False]
is alphabets:
[ True True True False]
is decimal:
[False True True False]
is digit:
[False True True False]
is lower:
[ True True True False]
is upper:
[False False False False]
is space:
[False False False False]
is title:
[False False False False]

np.char.equal() – checks element wise equivalence. Returns true, only if all elements are equal
np.char.not_equal() – checks whether two string are equal or not
np.char.greater() – returns true if the first string is greater than the second string
np.char.less() – returns true if the first string is less than the second string
np.char.greater_equal() – Returns true if the first string is greater than or equal to the second string
np.char.less_equal() – Returns true if the first string is less than or equal to the second string
str1= np.array(['apple','guava','banana',"Mango yummy"])
str3 = np.array(['apple','Guave','banana',"Mango Yummy"])
print("Equal:\n", np.char.equal(str1,str3))
print("Check for inequality:\n",np.char.not_equal(str1,str3))
print("Greater or equality:\n",np.char.greater_equal(str1,str3))
print("Lesser or equality:\n",np.char.less_equal(str3,str1))
[ True False True False]
Check for inequality:
[False True False True]
[False True False True]
[False False False False]
Greater or equality:
[ True True True True]
Lesser or equality:
[ True True True True]
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