Table of Contents
Input/Output statements
- Reading data from input device and displaying the result on the screen are the two main tasks of any programming in C
- In ‘C’ language the input and output operations are carried out by using standard functions.
- The programs for these functions are kept in the file.
- The file must be included in the program to use these functions using the preprocessor directive as: #include
The i/o functions are classified into 2 types:

C supports two formatting functions: printf( ), scanf( )
- printf( ) is used to convert data stored in the program into a text stream for output to monitor
- scanf( ) is used to convert the text stream coming from the keyboard to data values and stores them in program variables
- printf( ) function stands for print formatting
- printf function takes data values, converts them to a text stream using formatting specifications in the control string and passes the resulting text stream to the standard output.
- The name of printf function should be in lower case
- The input (or arguments) to printf function are given within round or circular paranthesis
- At least one input is required and the first input to printf function should always be a string literal
- The inputs are separated by commasIf values of identifiers are to be printed with the help of print function, the first argument print function should be a format string (control string)
- Format string consists of format specifiers.
- A format specifier specifies the format according to which the format should be done
Syntax of control string
%[flags][width][.precision][length modifier] type specifier
- Each control string must begin with %
- Flags is an optional argument which specifies output justification such as numerical sign, trailing zeros or octal, decimal or hexadecimal prefixes
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