Consider an RGB image, its an combination of Red, Green and blue images

These color values are represented as different channels. Like the grey color image, each channel is an image

Representation of Color Images
Additive color mixing allows the represent a wide variety of colors by simply combining different amounts of R, G, or B

RGB allows to produce a range of colors
Each color channel will have intensity values
The shape of the color array has 3 dimensions,
- Height
- Width
- Color Channels

When the image is read, the shape will something look like this
- (1280,720,3)
- 1280 – pixel height
- 720 – pixel width 3 – color channels
Computer won’t know a channel is Red, it just know there are 3 color intensity channels,
3 sort of grey color channels, each representing a color,
- The user needs to dictate which channel is for which color
- Each channel alone is essentially, the same as a grayscale image

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